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André Duarte P de Albuquerque's books are independent productions that deal in a brief, fluid and accessible way, with subjects researched and experienced by the author for about 20 years, with oppressed reflections and perspectives on the past, present and future of humanity.

The works count on the voluntary and invaluable contributions of Prof. Clayton Avelar, historian and former professor of the author, responsible for the historiographical revisions and the synopses of the texts; by Paulo do Amparo, Artist responsible for the comments and illustrations (specially made for the books); by Jussie "Habibi" Rodrigues, responsible for the translations of the texts into English; and Matias Anguitta Echiburu, responsible for the translations of the texts into Spanish.

The partnership with Phoenix Editora, (Maurício Savino, Editor, and Leandro Carvalheira, Graphic Designer), furthermore, who have embraced my projects with affection, attention and professionalism, completes the union of talents that has allowed the materialization of these works.

Your doubts and comments are very welcome and very important to always improve the quality of our products and services. Please contact us to share your views on our work! We hope that our books will serve as small bricks that contribute, with love and respect, to the upliftment of humanity.

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Your personal data is held by us only provisionally, for shipping the products, and discarded later, when confirmed delivery (with the exception of the email address, if you register to receive our newsletters).

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